AAPEX Exhibitor Committee

Upcoming Meetings
The MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee is a forum for representatives from all Aftermarket member companies to exchange ideas on ways to improve AAPEX ROI for exhibitors. Members focus on ways to ensure the long-term health of the event.
The MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee has worked with the executive committee to define the following objectives for the committee:
Educate: Hear from AAPEX vendors (mdg, Glasgow, Freeman) and industry experts, among others.
Inform: What’s happening behind the scenes in planning for AAPEX.
Increase Exhibitor ROI: Get the most out of your AAPEX experience; receive data and statistics to help support goals.
Assist: Exhibitor deadlines and reminders; help pre-show, on-site and post-show.
Listen: A forum for exhibitors to provide input, voice concerns, make suggestions to improve the show.
MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee Executive Leadership Team:
Jackie Donahue, Niterra, Committee Chair
Lisa Chamness, BG Products, Vice Chair
MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee Advisory Group:
Debbie Carr, Robert Bosch
Joe Kahle, Spectra Premium
Cheryl Loew, NTN Bearing
Membership Benefits
Influence: Meet with fellow committee members on a regular basis to discuss the latest AAPEX updates and trade show trends. These meetings help shape the future of AAPEX, and we could use your voice.
VIP Service: Get VIP service before, during and after AAPEX. With a direct line to the MEMA AAPEX lead, AAPEX show management and other show vendors, your needs, concerns, and issues can be addressed efficiently.
On-Demand Insights: Learn from fellow exhibitors, get insights from trade show experts and hear the latest on AAPEX changes and new opportunities to increase your ROI.
Higher ROI: MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee members provide input on show changes and direction, get a first-hand look at new opportunities, and never miss an important deadline or update. As a result, committee members tend to rate their AAPEX experience higher than nonmembers.
The MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee meets online using Microsoft Teams, the first Wednesday of the month, from 2-3pm ET. Dates and times are subject to change. There is no meeting in November or December.
MEMA AAPEX Exhibitor Committee membership is open to marketing and show management executives from all Aftermarket supplier member companies.
Annual Membership: Free
Member Companies
A list of current council members
Apply Now
Contact Liz Goad to join.
Member Contacts
Connect with current council members