Stay connected with MEMA as we lead on the policy issues that matter most to Original Equipment and Aftermarket suppliers. Check back soon for updates on how we’re advocating for you. 

The Pieces of a Sustainability Policy

Sustainability starts at the top — with your values, your vision, and your purpose. At MEMA’s Center for Sustainability, we help you turn that vision into action. No matter your resources or where you are on the journey, we’re here to guide you through each step — from laying the groundwork to making sustainability a core part of your business. 


The Pieces of a Sustainability Policy Image

We’re in this together. Navigating the complexities of sustainability can feel overwhelming, but by joining forces and sharing our resources and expertise, we can help you find clarity. In our collaborative community of vehicle suppliers, you'll gain the support you need to succeed and make real progress toward your sustainability goals. 

Legislative and Regulatory Policy

Every aspect of your sustainability efforts can be controlled with the right resources and support — that’s where we come in. 

When it comes to legislative and regulatory policy, however, the landscape can feel uncertain. Government policies significantly impact the plans and actions of all vehicle suppliers. That’s why MEMA’s Center for Sustainability integrates policy support into everything we do. Our MEMA Advocacy team located in Washington, D.C., advocates on your behalf, ensuring your voice is heard and your business interests are protected on critical regulatory and commercial issues. 

Join The Center for Sustainability