Auto Care Association and AASA Partner on Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. Campaign

BETHESDA, Md. – The Auto Care Association and the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) today announced a strategic partnership to educate and activate the industry and consumers in the fight for access to, and control of, vehicle data through the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.™ national consumer education campaign.
Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice.™ is an education initiative created to engage car owners, policymakers, and other stakeholders on car data – what it is, why it matters, and its implications for consumer choice. Without control of and access to the diagnostic and repair information wirelessly transmitted from vehicles, consumers could face increased cost and inconvenience, jeopardizing the future of the aftermarket and forcing consumers to pay more for – or worse, delay – car repairs. The partnership will be focused on the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice™ campaign and activities aimed at raising awareness, educating the industry, and obtaining support for Right to Repair and access to data positions among the industry and consumers.
Since the campaign launched, vehicle data has become part of conversations globally with both consumers and mainstream media: from articles in the New York Times, to the logo receiving major TV time on FS1, to nearly 10,000 petition signatures.
“We are proud of this partnership to fuel the fire and amplify our message to both the industry and to consumers,” said Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, Auto Care Association. “We are aligned in our message and our common cause of ensuring the growth of our industry for generations to come. Together, we are amplifying the industry’s voice, raising the pressure on lawmakers and combining our resources to get to the only solution that we will accept: consumers having the right to control where their vehicle data goes and aftermarket access to that data, especially for repair and maintenance.”
“We have created a spirit of collaboration that will allow AASA and Auto Care to unify the industry and achieve success in access to vehicle data and motorist freedom of choice, putting aside individual recognition and goals for the greater good and future of the aftermarket,” Paul McCarthy, president, AASA. “This is a critical issue, and we are stronger together. The aftermarket must win access to data, and if you believe in free markets and consumer choice, it is right for the aftermarket to prevail.”
Any company in the automotive aftermarket is invited to participate in the campaign and help our industry achieve broader public awareness and support on the issue. An online Vehicle Data Toolkit including FAQs, printable wallet cards as well as digital assets can be found at
About the Auto Care Association
Based in Bethesda, Md., the Auto Care Association has nearly 3,000 member companies that represent some 150,000 independent automotive businesses that manufacture, distribute and sell motor vehicle parts, accessories, tools, equipment, materials and supplies, and perform vehicle service and repair. For more information, please visit
About AASA
AASA ( exclusively serves manufacturers of aftermarket components, tools and equipment, and related products, an important part of the automotive parts manufacturing industry which supports 871,000 American jobs. AASA is a recognized industry change agent – promoting a collaborative industry environment, providing a forum to address issues and serving as a valued resource for members. AASA is the light vehicle aftermarket division of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA). “AASA, The Voice for the Automotive Aftermarket Supplier Industry”